Product Information

Surface measuring device

The surface measuring device of FRT, which has a headquarter in Germany, is now in need in a wide range of fields. With the multi-sensor system which is the biggest feature, it is possible to realize various measurements with 1 devices, and it can be used in a wide variety of applications from development of new products to quality control in production I will.

Surface measuring device

As a feature of FRT's surface measuring device

  • 1. Surface topography measurement
  • 2. Surface roughness measurement
  • 3. Profile measurement
  • 4. Film thickness measurement
  • 5. Non-contact measurement by optical sensor
  • 6. Optional incorporation of AFM
  • 7. Multi sensor (with multiple sensors) system adopted
  • 8. Fully automated measurement and data analysis software

FRT has a lineup of equipment tailored to its needs.

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